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Friday, August 26, 2011

August 26, 2011 - Introduction

Hello My Dear Ones and welcome to Mary Ann's blog! I have asked her to share my messages with you during this important time of changes on your beloved planet earth. I hope that you will find my messages to be of assistance to you as you progress with your Spiritual journeys. You may be wondering why she has used "Andre" in the blog's title - well, I have shared with her that that was indeed my first name during my incarnation as Count Saint Germain. I would like these messages to be read as if we were having a one-to-one conversation, perhaps sharing a table at an outdoor cafe somewhere on the continent. You have been taught  that the "hierarchies of heaven" have been separate from those living on earth and I wish to change that concept. Let us remember that WE ARE ONE - there is no separation. Please post any questions or concerns that you may have in the comment section. I look forward to having a new relationship with you.



  1. How wonderful. I look forward to having reading the messages everyday. And using "Andre" what a good way to change the understanding that we are more connected than we think. Thank You Mary Ann for doing this and sharing your connection the Beloved St. Germain.

  2. I have a question for Andre please. I know the earthquake and Irene was a great cleansing for the east coast can you talk about what changes will take place. Thank you Marianne

  3. Hello, St. Andre Germain, Mary Ann, and Beloveds. I've just been blessed to land in the City of Light Sedona. Could you please enlighten me as to the role of the Red Rocks -- esply. as it may relate to our times -- here in this Magnificent country. I feel as if I'm having a love affair with them :) Such Magnetic and Majestic Beauty!!!

  4. Marianne, thank you for your timely question. You are all well aware that the energy of Mother Earth is changing, as you all move closer to the major shift in consciousness and energy in 2012. This shift has already begun. As you are all working toward ascension, you are changing the structure of your bodies from the denser earth structure to the lighter crystalline structure. To do this, you must release the denser energies that no longer serve you and this release will affect Mother Earth and those elementals responsible for the care of the earth. As they reach a critical level there, Mother Earth and those responsible for the care of the earth, such as the elementals (fairies, gnomes, etc) will also want to release these denser energies. As this is done, you will see an increase in weather phenomena as Mother Earth goes through her cleansing. The intensities of these phenomena may be lessened as those of you holding the Light of the Father-Mother God continue to do so, especially by asking that all of these released denser energies be transmuted by the Violet Flame into the light.

    Those who have released these energies will have their electrons spinning at a much faster rate and will have their energy and their frequency raised. Assuming that they continue forward on their paths, you will see more love and light occurring in their every day affairs and there will be a shift in the collective consciousness in the areas of religion, finances and politics.

  5. Rev Maria....congratulations to you as you start a new chapter in your life! Sedona will bring you many new opportunities and many new blessings, as well as a few challenges. But not to worry - they will simply be an additional way for you to move forward along your path.

    You are drawn to the Red Rocks in Sedona because they contain very high levels of energies and frequencies that have been "deposited" there by the many Light Beings who have visited there through the billions of years that Mother Earth has been in existence.

    You have done the work that has moved you to a place of being able to connect to these energies. As you continue along your path, you will find that you will be receiving more and more information as you spend time in this beautiful area. You may also wish to share the work that you have done, along with various other ways of working on one's self, with those with whom you connect. By doing this, you will move yourself further along your path and you will help others to be able to connect as you do.

    Anyone who visits this area will have a change within themselves, although many will not be aware of these changes. You can help them to see the changes. You are also a Keeper of the Light for this area, so be sure to use the Violet Flame to transmute those energies that are released that do not serve the area.

    Also, please also call upon ArchAngel Michael and his Band of Angels to protect the sacred areas in that region. You will know the ones that I am referring to. Your move is of great importance to yourself and to Mother Earth. You will soon see the benefits of the blessings that you will receive for having agreed to do this momentous task.

    Many blessings to you and do not hesitate to call upon me whenever you need to. Andre

  6. Thank you Very Much for this message, Andre! I seem to be encountering one of the "challenges" you mention as of late, as several of the part-time jobs I thought I had in town are fizzling out; and fears around my financial situation seem to be surfacing again. Can you help me understand what's going on with this? I'd like to be clearer about my purpose here, besides being a Keeper of the Light for the area. I have many gifts to offer the people here -- both local and tourist -- and would like some direction and focus. Also what to you mean by "this momentous task"? Is it being the Keeper of the Light here? What else is involved? And how will I be connected to the City of Light that Genii writes about. I seem to have many questions today! Hope you can illuminate me, and my busy mind... ;)
